Saturday, November 5, 2011

Welcome to I Have no Hands and I must Type

Dear readers, all of whom are my mother,

I have no Hands and I must Type is my way of communicating my views and questionable writing skills to the people of the internet, who always give constructive criticism and value others' ideals. I will be posting an article of some sort every Saturday, but since I'm an heinous procrastinator, check this blog on Sunday to see a new article. These articles will be chocked full of information you will never use in your life. EVER.

Above: NEVER.

But it is my hope and dream that somebody will stumble across this blog, and crack a smile, laugh or even groan at my musings. So by all means, if you've found my blog to be so bad you want to show other people the writing atrocities I've committed, share this site with everyone you know. Please keep my mom company.

Your son,

Caleb the Great.

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